Re-defining Power

What is your relationship to power? Last time I sat in sacred circle with my Advanced Flying Lessons group, I marveled at the experience we had when we asked the spirits of the universe to help us step into authentic power. World events continue to teach us all–regardless of political persuasion– about some types of power we just can’t afford …

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All Saints and All Souls Day: Making Friends with Death

First, a bit of history about Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day. This time of year was known as Samhain by the Celts, meaning “summer’s end,” and named for the lord of death who allowed souls who had died to return to earth on Nov. 1. Some who had been harmed during their lives returned as ghosts, witches, …

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Creating Beauty as a Safe Landing Space

It’s so easy and delicious for me to sink onto a place of beauty in nature and feel safe in that “All Is One” feeling. Next to ocean, or stream, or wind through the pines I am reminded of the life force that courses through all things. I am in my safe landing space at those times. And then we …

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Choosing Oxytocin

Last weekend I surprised myself by getting scared on a routine flight with my husband in our Cessna 182. He had purchased a new gadget to increase our safety and he needed to test it. That meant I would be the co-pilot and observer, looking for traffic while he did some maneuvers. Truthfully, I didn’t want to go in the …

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What motivates the creative artist?

I’ve been away from blogging for awhile, and I’m aware that it’s partly because I suspected I might just be whistling in the wind. Even though I get some nice comments from people, I don’t have a great deal of evidence that a lot of people read my blog. Which brings up the question, what does a creative endeavor mean …

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Communicating with a Controller

I remember flying along this gorgeous coastline in Baja, Mexico, with my husband Jon. It was before I got my pilot’s license, and so when he urged me to stop photographing and take the controls, I got instant butterflies. 95% of me wanted to fly, but the 5% that was terrified had the capability of ruining everything. This makes me …

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The soul bird

“The soul-bird is waiting inside. Even if you have locked it in a cage, it is waiting to fly.” from Flying Lesson #4 Lesson #4 contains a key moment, when you as a participant in the story, or the coaching or the retreat process, realize that there is indeed a soul-bird inside you who is longing to fly, and who …

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Tools for Taking Back the Pilot’s Seat

Sometimes I cringe when I meet someone who asks me what I do. Answering either “life coach” or certainly “energy medicine practitioner” or for sure, “shamanic practitioner” can lead to immediate Eyes Glazing Over Syndrome. Sometimes I do better when I tell a client story, but the best approach is asking questions. Like, “Have you ever had the feeling that …

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Taking the Pilot’s Seat: Bringing Forth Your Greatness

The world needs your genius. You have genius, you know. Every one of us does. Your genius is your “original medicine,” as Angeles Arrien put it. It is unique medicine. So if you keep it from the world, the world will never see it again. Taking the pilot’s seat means bringing out your genius. It means remembering what Marianne Williamson …

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Taking the Pilot’s Seat: Controlling Airspeed

When I walk on the beautiful land in the Sutherland Valley, beneath the Catalina Mountains, the land reminds me that Mother Earth has a heartbeat, a rhythm. Being in nature attunes my body to her rhythm and reminds me of my own natural pace. So does meditation—it is a way of stopping to check in with the Source, and with …

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