The Stunning Light of One Life

I drummed as people gathered and took their seats, and then welcomed them and explained the parts of the unique event to follow. Creating a memorial service for a woman devoted to indigenous spirituality felt like a huge responsibility, especially when I worry about people’s comfort levels with shamanic practices. But the family assured me that everyone there would appreciate …

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What Kids Taught Me about the Active Imagination

  Since I was in love with photography, I wanted everyone else to be as well (nothing like the fervor of the converted.) So,I decided to teach small group photography classes in my living room. Right away, it was clear to me that I raced through the part about f-stops and dove into explorations about light, the energetic nature of …

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  In my 30’s I began to photograph in earnest. Now that was back in the ‘70’s, so picture me stepping out in a safari-like photographer’s vest and smoking brown More cigarettes. (The More bohemian and rebellious, the better.) I set out to explore the other side of the tracks. Mind you, I was raised in San Marino, CA, bastion …

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The creative wellspring

  When I was about 30, I entered therapy, thinking that what I wanted was a better marriage, but unconsciously beginning a long journey into becoming more of my real self. I wanted wholeness, the real meaning of the word “healing.” During that same period, I bought my first 35mm camera and began taking pictures of my two adorable daughters. …

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A Tribute to Lives Cut Short

  Ninety-five years ago this man, James Struthers Lochhead, was born. I took this snapshot of my Dad in the late ‘80’s when I was an adult with my own children, He was visiting us in our house, and so it seemed like the moment for a photo. I didn’t think about it much. But today, in the turbulent wake …

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An Audience with Ansel

  It was the summer of 1983, and I was soaring. Griegs’ pianto concerto was blaring in my brown VW bus, and I was heading up Highway 1 to Carmel. I had a date with Ansel Adams.  I had taken all the photography courses my community college offered, and had moved through a “Masters’ course” at UCLA. So, feeling pretty …

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Out of the Dark Room

The first photo I ever printed in a darkroom was at summer camp in the 7th grade. The photo was of a girl  pouring a bucket of water over another girl’s head. Hilarious, right? (Remember 7th grade humor?) My career as a comedienne ceased abruptly, but I would return to photography as my passion and art form. In college I …

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Photographing the Unseen

Most people approach photography in a documentary way photographing an event, a person or an object in order to remember it, or to say, “This is how it is.” We tell a story of what we see. But another way to approach photography is through the question, “What have I not seen?” Now we’re on a treasure hunt! And rather …

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What does my wild heart desire, #3

Those of you who live in AZ will understand why the snow storm we just had was a major miracle. If you live in Kansas City, you might not agree this week. But for desert dwellers in the middle of a long drought, water in any form is good news. More importantly for my wild heart, the snow created a …

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What does my wild heart desire, #2

The second process I’ll use to explore what my wild heart desires is photography. I went on a walk in Catalina State Park, which is a treasure right next to my house. (I know, my wild heart is already grateful.) I took some photos—not thinking too much about why, except I was attracted to that scene—and now I’ll dialogue with …

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