What is it?

B&W aerial

Is it a piece of crumpled paper? a well-worn piece of leather? Or an aerial photo of  a river system?

One of the things we can see from the air is the similarity between the surface of the earth and the surface of some of the smaller things we find on earth. Did you know, for instance, that the mathematical relationship between rivers and their tributaries is the same as the mathematical relationship between veins and arteries of the human circulatory system?

The airplane, as St. Exupery pointed out, “revealed the face of the earth.” And then of course space flight revealed the body of Gaia. So now we can see what no other generation has ever seen, except in their mind’s eye.

So, what do we want to do with what we can now see? How do these visions of the connections between your body and Mother Earth’s body affect you?  What are you inspired to remember or be or do?

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