Do you have room in the inn?

Looks like a heart-shaped puddle, right in the middle of mud, doesn’t it? What an odd image to put into a Christmas blog.

That’s what I thought while I was scanning my photo collection looking for just the right burst of light and energy that could represent the true Christ energy. The Christos: a burst of light in the midst of darkness.

Born in a stable. I often think of that. In a town where there was no room in the inn. So His birth was probably dirty, common. According to the story, he was born in the mud. Love was born right in the midst of the mud.

No matter what your faith, all our holy ones have brought light into the lives of the suffering. They have all taught us that even though life is dirty and hard, we can find surprising moment of love right in our path.

So no matter what your faith, do you have room in the inn?  Do you have room in your heart and in your world view for love? Not the easy love for all that is beautiful and whole and graceful, but the kind of love that is a surprise. The kind of love you might almost trip over or walk past if you weren’t paying attention.

I think we have to intentionally make room in our hearts for that kind of love. We have to practice shifting every time we see a person behaving in a way we want to judge. Every time there’s a political decision we can’t stand. Every time a loved one is unkind. This doesn’t mean giving into it; we don’t have to wallow in the mud ourselves. We need to stand for justice. When we “take a side,” though, I think being conscious means being on the lookout for the love contained in this “dirty” situation that might surprise us. Every time we can find it by paying attention, we receive the Light, the true Christos, the Beloved.

So Merry Christmas, and happy Holy Day, whatever yours is. If you don’t have one, try making it today. Make room in the inn. As you walk your path, look for love, and report on the surprises.

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