A Guardian Angel for 2011

Happy 2011!

How interesting this experiment is becoming. I’m taking the Sand Spirits images in order, putting one up each week and reflecting on how each one might give guidance to our lives. So here we are on the first day of 2011, and up comes Sand Spirit #4, one of my favorites.

For me, this one has always been a guardian angel. She was the first one who really taught me to communicate with these Sand Spirits–back in 2000 when I was newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Shocked by the news on a Friday that I would be having surgery on Monday, I was cleaning my house and getting ready. My new photographs of curious forms I had found on a Baja beach were spread out on the dining room table. Gathering them together to put them away, I stopped when I saw this guardian angel. Maybe I would put this photograph by my bed, I thought. Perhaps she could help me bring in spiritual guidance and give me peace, confidence and comfort.

She did. When I returned to my house the following Monday, my recovery was marred by the alarming news that the lumpectomy had not been enough. Now I would face the decision about further treatment. A single or perhaps a double mastectomy. Chemo. Would I survive it all? Now we had entered the land of mystery, where even the doctors could not give me an answer. I would need guidance now to help me recover and reclaim my best chance for health.

Today–11 years later–I am so grateful to have excellent health and also a strong relationship with the world of spirit. Trying to thrive while being a spiritual being in a body remains a constant adventure. I need daily doses of grounding to stay in my body and respond to its needs, and also inspiration from the spiritual realm. This Sand Spirit guardian angel helps me do both.

So what does the guardian angel say to you today? As you begin whatever challenges, adventures and blessings 2011 will present, what guidance and blessings to you seek? What does the angel say to you about how to maintain contact this year with the realms we cannot see? Is the spiritual realm real to you even though it is invisible? How do you “see in the dark” and experience the invisible? What is its guidance today?

I wish you countless blessings, health, abundance and the fulfillment of your dreams in 2011. May we all experience the kind of peace in the inner world that will create peace in the outer one.


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